Sketch Game Outline

Pixel art based 2D side-on game. 

You play a single character who travels through different eras in time. At each era you are faced with a challenge, completing the challenge allows you to progress to the next level.

Each level's challenge is representative of the era that it is set in. Example Start as a caveman, you need to discover fire. Rather than inherently being the same character every time, you are but you're not, maybe some form of distant relative. A little like how Blackadder moves through the ages. Or maybe just unrelated entirely so to give more freedom on times and locations. (Decision required)

Ideally this will progress to offer some form of social commentary on the times. I'd like the game to be thought provoking about the historical acts and choices that occurred. With a big slug of artistic license so it isn't just a History lesson. 

The game will end on Mars, having discovered rocket fuel substitute in the late 21st century.

Suggested Eras

Stone Age 298,346 BC - Discover Fire - Africa

Copper Age - 4034BC - discover wheel - Mesopotamians

Bronze Age - 3004BC - Forge a sword - Egypt

Iron Age - 800 BC - Discover Steel - Celts

Ancient Greece - 556 BC - Mathematics

Ancient Rome - 449 BC - The law of the Twelve tables

Middle Ages - 1200 ish - Start the black death? Genoese sailors? European Renaissance -1460 - Find da Vinci work - enable the renanissace - when were printing presses? - Feel this is more enlightenment era (Fact check)

The Enlightenment - 1660 - maybe great fire of London? Burn and rebuild London - errors of your ways? Industrial revolution - ?? - Steam engine

Information Age - 2030 - rocket fuel

Space Age - 2103 - Mars - rule the planet? - not sure - what challenges will future humankind face? 

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